Ship Actions - Helm #
- Description: The flight controller uses the ship’s thrusters for precise adjustments, moving anywhere within Medium range.
- Power Cost: None.
- Description: The flight controller utilizes the ship’s impulse engines for swift movement, reaching any location within Long range.
- Power Cost: 1 Power.
- Description: The flight controller engages the ship’s warp drive for short jumps across multiple zones. This represents brief bursts of warp speed, not extended journeys.
- Power Cost: Equal to the number of zones traversed.
- Note: Leaving the battlefield via warp is covered on page 219.
- Description: The flight controller performs a series of swift, unpredictable maneuvers to throw off enemy targeting.
- Action: Daring + Conn Task, Difficulty 1.
- Bonus: Assisted by the ship’s Structure + Conn.
- Effect: If successful, until the flight controller’s next turn, all attacks against the ship and attacks made by the ship gain a bonus (details not provided in excerpt).