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What are Talents? #

Talents in “Star Trek Adventures” represent unique abilities or advantages that set characters apart, reflecting their specialized training, personal experiences, and innate abilities. Here’s a detailed look at how talents function:

General Overview #

Definition #

Talents give characters specific advantages or abilities in particular situations, such as extra dice, re-rolls, or special actions that align with their expertise and background.

Requirements #

Some talents have prerequisites, such as belonging to a specific species or having a certain level in a discipline. These requirements must be met to select the talent.

Structure #

Each talent consists of a condition under which it can be used and a benefit provided when that condition is met.

Example Talents and Their Effects #

Bold #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: Choose a discipline. When attempting a task with that discipline and buying one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll a single d20.

Cautious #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: Choose a discipline. When attempting a task with that discipline and buying one or more d20s by spending Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.

Collaboration #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: Choose a discipline. When an ally attempts a task using that discipline, you may spend one Momentum (Immediate) to allow them to use your score for that discipline and one of your focuses.

Constantly Watching #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: When attempting a task to detect danger or hidden enemies, reduce the difficulty by 1.

Dauntless #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: When attempting a task to resist being intimidated or threatened, add a bonus d20 to your dice pool.

Personal Effects #

  • Requirement: Main Character
  • Effect: Possess a significant, uncommon item not part of Starfleet’s standard issue, useful for missions. Select one item with an Opportunity Cost of 2 or two items with an Opportunity Cost of 1 each.

Studious #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: When spending one or more Momentum to Obtain Information, ask one additional question.

Technical Expertise #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: When attempting a task assisted by the ship’s Computers or Sensors, you may re-roll one d20.

Tough #

  • Requirement: None
  • Effect: When avoiding an injury, reduce the cost by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Special Talents for Specific Roles #

Command Talents #

Advisor #

  • Effect: When assisting another character using your Command discipline, the character being assisted may re-roll one d20.

Defuse the Tension #

  • Effect: When attempting a task to persuade someone not to resort to violence, add a bonus d20 to your dice pool.

Conn Talents #

Fly-By #

  • Effect: When using the Swift Task Momentum spend, do not increase the difficulty of the second task if one of the tasks is to pilot a vessel or vehicle.

Precise Evasion #

  • Effect: When succeeding at the Evasive Action task, spend two Momentum to ensure the ship does not suffer the increased difficulty for attacks normally caused by Evasive Action.

Security Talents #

Close Protection #

  • Effect: When making a successful attack, spend one Momentum to protect an ally within Close range, increasing the next attack’s difficulty against that ally by 1.

Interrogation #

  • Effect: When succeeding at a task to coerce someone to reveal information in a social conflict, gain one bonus Momentum for Obtain Information.

Engineering Talents #

A Little More Power #

  • Effect: When succeeding at an Engineering task aboard your ship, spend one Momentum to regain one spent Power.

Jury-Rig #

  • Effect: When attempting an Engineering task to perform repairs, reduce the difficulty by two (to a minimum of 0). These repairs are temporary, lasting only a scene plus one additional scene per Momentum spent before failing again.

Science Talents #

Computer Expertise #

  • Effect: When attempting a task involving programming or studying a computer system, add a bonus d20 to your pool.

Testing a Theory #

  • Effect: When attempting a task using Engineering or Science, roll one additional d20 if you succeeded at a previous task covering the same field earlier in the adventure.

Medical Talents #

Doctor’s Orders #

  • Effect: When attempting a task to coordinate others or to coerce someone into a specific course of action, use your Medicine discipline instead of Command.